Nicolas Audinet de Pieuchon


I am a French/Italian computer scientist. I grew up in Rome, Italy, and have since lived in Wales, England, Finland and Sweden.

Currently I am a PhD student at Chalmers University of Technology where I am part of the NLP@DSAI group. My research involves developing and applying methods that make use of text data for more accurate and robust estimates of causal effects in the social sciences. My research lies at the intersection of causality and natural language processing.

Previously, I worked as a software engineer at Relex Solutions where I helped develop an internal tool to manage the installation and customization. I primarily worked with Haskell, Nix and Linux. Functional programming is my favorite programming paradigm.

I did my bachelor and masters at the University of Bristol in Computer Science and Electronics. I also completed a second masters at Chalmers in Complex Adaptive Systems.

I attended UWC Atlantic College from 2012 to 2014.

Some topics I am generally interested in:

I also love to read, code, sing, dance and lift weights.

Link to my CV (pdf).

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