Reshape in Hmatrix

03 Mar 2024

The goal of this post is to implement a type-safe reshape function using the Hmatrix Static API.

I used GHC 9.4.8 throughout this post. I also had to enable a whole menagerie of language extensions:

If you’re not familiar with the Hmatrix Static API, I’ve also made a more introductory post about implementing the zeros function with the Hmatrix Static API.

The goal

Reshape is a common Numpy function that gives a new shape to a multi-dimensional array without changing the data. An example from the docs:

>>> a = np.arange(6).reshape((3, 2))
>>> a
array([[0, 1],
       [2, 3],
       [4, 5]])

At the moment, the Hmatrix Static API only supports vectors (1D) and matrices (2D). Since vectors are 1D they cannot be reshaped while maintaining the same elements. Functions to embed vectors into matrices and vice versa already exist in Hmatrix, although they are limited to single-row matrices:

What doesn’t exist yet in Hmatrix is a reshape function which transforms a matrix into another matrix of a different shape. More specifically, there isn’t a function that takes a matrix L n m and tranfroms it into another matrix L p q where n * m = p * q. So let’s make it!

Our strategy for implementing reshape will be to first implement two other functions:

reshape will then be a defined as a composition of flatten and unflatten, which will end up looking something like this:

reshape :: (n * m ~ p * q) => L n m -> L p q
reshape = unflatten . flatten

For the purposes of this post, we will work in a row-wise fashion rather than column-wise. For example, row-wise flattening of a 3x3 matrix will look like this:


and unflattening the array into a 3x3 matrix row-wise looks like this:


The flatten function

The flatten function can be thought of as a fold which recursively takes the top row of the matrix and concatentates it in front of the flattened version of the rest of the matrix. The recursion stops when we encounter a matrix with a single row, in which case we can just use the unrow function from before. We can use natVal and Proxy to inspect the size of the matrix at the value level to decide whether to stop the recursion, and splitRows and (#) from the Static API to split the matrix and concatenate vectors, respsectively. Bringing all of this together gives us our first implementation:

import Data.Proxy
import GHC.TypeLits
import Numeric.LinearAlgebra.Static

flatten :: forall n m. (KnownNat n, KnownNat m) => L n m -> R (n * m)
flatten mat =
  case natVal (Proxy @n) of
    1 -> unrow mat
    _ ->
      let (r, rest) = splitRows m :: (L 1 m, L (n - 1) m)
       in unrow r # flatten rest

Unfortunately, this doesn’t work. We get the following compiler error:

src/Reshape/Flatten.hs:19:16-18: error:
    • Couldn't match type ‘n’ with ‘1’
      Expected: L 1 m
        Actual: L n m
      ‘n’ is a rigid type variable bound by
        the type signature for:
          flatten :: forall (n :: Nat) (m :: Nat).
                     (KnownNat n, KnownNat m) =>
                     L n m -> R (n * m)
        at src/Reshape/Flatten.hs:16:1-71
    • In the first argument of ‘unrow’, namely ‘mat’
      In the expression: unrow mat
      In a case alternative: 1 -> unrow mat
    • Relevant bindings include
        mat :: L n m (bound at src/Reshape/Flatten.hs:17:9)
        flatten :: L n m -> R (n * m)
          (bound at src/Reshape/Flatten.hs:17:1)
19 |     1 -> unrow mat
   |                ^^^
src/Reshape/Flatten.hs:21:23-31: error:
    • Cannot satisfy: 1 <= n
    • In the expression: splitRows mat :: (L 1 m, L (n - 1) m)
      In a pattern binding:
        (r, rest) = splitRows mat :: (L 1 m, L (n - 1) m)
      In the expression:
        let (r, rest) = splitRows mat :: (L 1 m, L (n - 1) m)
        in unrow r # flatten rest
21 |       let (r, rest) = splitRows mat :: (L 1 m, L (n - 1) m)
   |                       ^^^^^^^^^

These errors are essentially telling us that, due to a limitation of the Haskell type system, we cannot implement the logic of choosing the recursive or non-recursive step at the value level. We will get similar errors if we try to implement unflatten in the same way. Instead, we need to encode the logic of the case statement at the type level, for which we will need to use type classes and some trickery.

The Flattenable type class

This time, we will implement flatten as a method in a type class called Flattenable:

class Flattenable n m where
  flatten :: L n m -> R (n * m)

The type class has two parameters, n and m, which represent the size of the matrix being flattened. We will also implement two instances for Flattenable:

-- the single-row case
instance Flattenable 1 m where
  flatten = unrow

-- the multi-row case
instance {-# OVERLAPS #-} Flattenable n m where
  flatten = undefined

These two instances are the key to encoding the case statement logic from before at the type level. When the compiler sees a call to flatten, it will try to match the type of the input matrix to an appropriate instance. If the input matrix has more than one row then the compiler will match the second instance (which matches matrices of any size). If the matrix has a single row then the compiler will match both instances. This is a problem, because if the compiler has more than one option to choose from it becomes unclear which one it should choose (and we want compilation to be predictable so the compiler can’t randomly choose one of them). One way to get around this is to use the {-# OVERLAPS #-} pragma. This tells the compiler that, in the case where both instances match, it can ignore the second instance in favor of the first one.

Implementing the instance for single-row matrices is straightforward: it just becomes a call to unrow. Implementing the instance for multi-row matrcies is a bit trickier however. Our strategy will be the same as before: we will flatten the matrix by recursively taking the top row and concatenating it to the flattened version of the rest of the matrix. Here’s our second attempt:

instance {-# OVERLAPS #-} Flattenable n m where
  flatten mat =
    let (r, rest) = splitRows mat :: (L 1 m, L (n - 1) m)
     in unrow r # flatten rest

Again, this doesn’t work. Compiling this code gives us the following errors:

src/Reshape/Flatten.hs:49:21-29: error:
    • Cannot satisfy: 1 <= n
    • In the expression: splitRows mat :: (L 1 m, L (n - 1) m)
      In a pattern binding:
        (r, rest) = splitRows mat :: (L 1 m, L (n - 1) m)
      In the expression:
        let (r, rest) = splitRows mat :: (L 1 m, L (n - 1) m)
        in unrow r # flatten rest
49 |     let (r, rest) = splitRows mat :: (L 1 m, L (n - 1) m)
   |                     ^^^^^^^^^
src/Reshape/Flatten.hs:50:9-30: error:
    • Couldn't match type: m + ((n - 1) * m)
                     with: n * m
      Expected: R (n * m)
        Actual: R (m + ((n - 1) * m))
    • In the expression: unrow r # flatten rest
      In the expression:
        let (r, rest) = splitRows mat :: (L 1 m, L (n - 1) m)
        in unrow r # flatten rest
      In an equation for ‘flatten’:
          flatten mat = let (r, rest) = ... in unrow r # flatten rest
    • Relevant bindings include
        r :: L 1 m (bound at src/Reshape/Flatten.hs:49:10)
        rest :: L (n - 1) m (bound at src/Reshape/Flatten.hs:49:13)
        mat :: L n m (bound at src/Reshape/Flatten.hs:48:11)
        flatten :: L n m -> R (n * m)
          (bound at src/Reshape/Flatten.hs:48:3)
50 |      in unrow r # flatten rest
   |         ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

The first error says that the compiler doesn’t known that the type variable n is greater than 0, which it needs to be since we call flatten on m2 :: L (n-1) m and we can’t have a matrix with a negative number of rows. To fix the error we need to add a 1 <= n constraint to prevent the compiler from matching the instance with matrices with 0 rows.

The second error tells us that the compiler doesn’t know that the equality m + ((n-1) * m) = n * m holds for numbers at the type level. By default the Haskell type system is not great at simple algebraic proofs! Thankfully we can convince the type checker that the equality holds with equality constraints), where t1 ~ t2 means that type t1 is the same as type t2.

  {-# OVERLAPS #-}
  ( 1 <= n,
    m + ((n - 1) * m) ~ n * m
  ) =>
  Flattenable n m where

  flatten mat =
    let (r, rest) = splitRows mat :: (L 1 m, L (n - 1) m)
     in unrow r # flatten rest

Compiling again we get several new errors. Let’s tackle them one by one:

src/Reshape/Flatten.hs:52:21-29: error:
    • Could not deduce (KnownNat n) arising from a use of ‘splitRows’
      from the context: (1 <= n, (m + ((n - 1) * m)) ~ (n * m))
        bound by the instance declaration
        at src/Reshape/Flatten.hs:(36,3)-(49,17)
      Possible fix:
        add (KnownNat n) to the context of the instance declaration
    • In the expression: splitRows mat :: (L 1 m, L (n - 1) m)
      In a pattern binding:
        (r, rest) = splitRows mat :: (L 1 m, L (n - 1) m)
      In the expression:
        let (r, rest) = splitRows mat :: (L 1 m, L (n - 1) m)
        in unrow r # flatten rest
52 |     let (r, rest) = splitRows mat :: (L 1 m, L (n - 1) m)
   |                     ^^^^^^^^^

This first error tell us that the compiler doesn’t know that n corresponds to a number (i.e. that it belongs to the KnownNat type class). We can fix this by adding a KnownNat n constraint to the instance.

src/Reshape/Flatten.hs:53:17: error:
    • Could not deduce (KnownNat m) arising from a use of ‘#’
      from the context: (1 <= n, (m + ((n - 1) * m)) ~ (n * m))
        bound by the instance declaration
        at src/Reshape/Flatten.hs:(36,3)-(49,17)
      Possible fix:
        add (KnownNat m) to the context of the instance declaration
    • In the expression: unrow r # flatten rest
      In the expression:
        let (r, rest) = splitRows mat :: (L 1 m, L (n - 1) m)
        in unrow r # flatten rest
      In an equation for ‘flatten’:
          flatten mat = let (r, rest) = ... in unrow r # flatten rest
53 |      in unrow r # flatten rest
   |                 ^

Similarly, the compiler also doesn’t know that m corresponds to a number. Same fix: add a KnownNat m constraint to the instance.

src/Reshape/Flatten.hs:53:19-25: error:
    • Overlapping instances for Flattenable (n - 1) m
        arising from a use of ‘flatten’
      Matching instance:
        instance [overlap ok] (1 <= n, (m + ((n - 1) * m)) ~ (n * m)) =>
                              Flattenable n m
          -- Defined at src/Reshape/Flatten.hs:36:3
      Potentially matching instance:
        instance Flattenable 1 m -- Defined at src/Reshape/Flatten.hs:29:10
      (The choice depends on the instantiation of ‘n, m’
       and the result of evaluating ‘-’
       To pick the first instance above, use IncoherentInstances
       when compiling the other instance declarations)
    • In the second argument of ‘(#)’, namely ‘flatten rest’
      In the expression: unrow r # flatten rest
      In the expression:
        let (r, rest) = splitRows mat :: (L 1 m, L (n - 1) m)
        in unrow r # flatten rest
53 |      in unrow r # flatten rest
   |                   ^^^^^^^

Here, the compiler is saying that it doesn’t know that m2 :: L (n-1) m will match an instance of Flattenable since it might have more than one row. The fix is to add a constraint for Flattenable (n-1) m. Adding this constraint also means that we can remove the {-# OVERLAPS #=} pragma since the instance won’t match with single-row matrices anymore.

After adding the new constraints, our instance now looks like this:

  ( 1 <= n,
    m + ((n - 1) * m) ~ n * m,
    KnownNat n,
    KnownNat m,
    Flattenable (n - 1) m
  ) =>
  Flattenable n m where

  flatten mat =
    let (r, rest) = splitRows mat :: (L 1 m, L (n - 1) m)
     in unrow r # flatten rest

Compiling our code now returns the following error:

src/Reshape/Flatten.hs:53:17: error:
    • Could not deduce (KnownNat ((n - 1) * m))
        arising from a use of ‘#’
      from the context: (1 <= n, (m + ((n - 1) * m)) ~ (n * m),
                         KnownNat n, KnownNat m, Flattenable (n - 1) m)
        bound by the instance declaration
        at src/Reshape/Flatten.hs:(36,3)-(49,17)
    • In the expression: unrow r # flatten rest
      In the expression:
        let (r, rest) = splitRows mat :: (L 1 m, L (n - 1) m)
        in unrow r # flatten rest
      In an equation for ‘flatten’:
          flatten mat = let (r, rest) = ... in unrow r # flatten rest
53 |      in unrow r # flatten rest
   |                 ^

Now the compiler is telling us that it is not smart enough to recognise that if n and m are KnownNats then so is (n-1) * m. Let’s add that as yet another constraint:

  ( 1 <= n,
    m + ((n - 1) * m) ~ n * m,
    KnownNat n,
    KnownNat m,
    Flattenable (n - 1) m,
    KnownNat ((n - 1) * m)
  ) =>
  Flattenable n m where

  flatten mat =
    let (r, rest) = splitRows mat :: (L 1 m, L (n - 1) m)
     in unrow r # flatten rest

And hooray, our code compiles! At last the mighty compiler has been appeased and we have successfully defined the row-wise flatten function for all matrices in a type-safe way.

The unflatten function

Now that we’ve implemented flatten we can extend the Flattenable type class to include unflatten as well:

class Flattenable n m where
  flatten :: L n m -> R (n * m)
  unflatten :: R (n * m) -> L n m

To recap, unflatten is a function that takes a vector and transforms it into a matrix. This operation can also be seen as a fold where we recursively take the first M elements from the input vector and stack them on top of the matrix constructed by unflattening the rest of the vector.

Like before, the instance for the single-row matrices is straightforward: all we need to do is invoke the row :: R n -> L 1 n function from the Hmatrix Static API:

instance Flattenable 1 m where
  flatten = unrow
  unflatten = row

Also like before, the instance for multi-row matrices is more compliced and involves recursively calling the unflatten function. The body of the function will look as follows, where split and (===) are functions to split vectors and stack matrices, respectively:

unflatten vec =
    let (r, rest) = split vec :: (R m, R ((n - 1) T.* m))
     in row r === unflatten rest

We will also need to provide several more contraints to the instance. These were implemented following the same process as for flatten: compile, get an error, add a constraint to fix the error, repeat.

The final code for the multi-row instance ended up looking like this:

  ( 1 <= n,
    m + ((n - 1) * m) ~ n * m,
    KnownNat n,
    KnownNat m,
    Flattenable (n - 1) m,
    KnownNat ((n - 1) * m),
    -- New constraints:
    m <= n * m,
    (n * m) - m ~ m * (n - 1),
    m * (n - 1) ~ (n - 1) * m,
    1 + (n - 1) ~ n,
    KnownNat (n * m),
    KnownNat (n - 1)
  ) =>
  Flattenable n m where

  flatten mat =
    let (r, rest) = splitRows mat :: (L 1 m, L (n - 1) m)
     in unrow r # flatten rest

  unflatten vec =
    let (r, rest) = split vec :: (R m, R ((n - 1) T.* m))
     in row r === unflatten rest

A type-safe reshape function

Finally, we have all the pieces to implement our type-safe reshape function! Here it is in all its glory:

reshape ::
    ( Flattenable n m
    , Flattenable p q
    , n * m ~ p * q
    ) => L n m -> L p q
reshape = unflatten . flatten

Our previous work on the Flattenable type class has paid off. To reshape a matrix, all we need to do is flatten and unflatten our input into the correct shape, and the compiler take care of the rest.

Here’s the final code for everything we’ve covered in this post:

{-# LANGUAGE DataKinds #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-}
{-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeOperators #-}
{-# LANGUAGE UndecidableInstances #-}

import GHC.TypeLits
import Numeric.LinearAlgebra.Static

class Flattenable n m where
  flatten :: L n m -> R (n * m)
  unflatten :: R (n * m) -> L n m

instance Flattenable 1 m where
  flatten = unrow
  unflatten = row

  ( 1 <= n,
    m + ((n - 1) * m) ~ n * m,
    KnownNat n,
    KnownNat m,
    Flattenable (n - 1) m,
    KnownNat ((n - 1) * m),
    m <= n * m,
    (n * m) - m ~ m * (n - 1),
    m * (n - 1) ~ (n - 1) * m,
    1 + (n - 1) ~ n,
    KnownNat (n * m),
    KnownNat (n - 1)
  ) =>
  Flattenable n m where

  flatten mat =
    let (r, rest) = splitRows mat :: (L 1 m, L (n - 1) m)
     in unrow r # flatten rest

  unflatten vec =
    let (r, rest) = split vec :: (R m, R ((n - 1) T.* m))
     in row r === unflatten rest

reshape ::
  ( Flattenable n m,
    Flattenable p q,
    n * m ~ p * q
  ) => L n m -> L p q
reshape = unflatten . flatten

If you have feedback or find any mistakes, feel free drop an issue on Github or to email me at !